I know I like to rag on Amy Lee for messing up bands (Cold, Seether, Evanescence). I am usually only slightly truthful, but today I bring sad (and true) news. Amy Lee of Evanescence and longtime beau Shaun Morgan of Seether have called it quits. I could not find a cited reason, but I imagine Seether's hard-core fans may have not liked Morgan's sappy duet of "Broken," and thus blamed Lee for Seether's softness. This perceived "softness" on Morgan's part may have driven a wedge between him and his fans. But of course this is all speculation, because maybe they just got plain sick of each other. At any rate, Morgan is now about twice the size of when he appeared in this picture. When I saw them in concert in November at the Rave, I wasn't sure if I would be able to tell Shaun from a ragged bum on the streets! Whatever the reason, I can no longer blame Amy Lee......
.....Speaking of Amy Lee, where the heck has Evanescence gone? I had always toyed with the idea of them being a one record band, but now it appears more realistic. A check on their website only states the band is "...in the studio working on new music." I did hear that Amy Lee's music was denied from the "Narnia" soundtrack (for being too dark), but that has been about it. It has been a long time since 2003's debut Fallen.......... How much longer will you make your fans wait?
he looks kind of like a ragged bum off the street in this picture too!
I really think Amy and Shaun should get back together also i'm a huge fan of seether and i loved there duet (also a HUGE evanescence fan) and I can't wait for march.14 because thats when the new Evanescence album comes out!!! But i think Shaun probaly got annoying he seemed that way on the anywhere but home dvd and he also seems like kindof an asshole from just reading what he writes on his website.
Don't be so mean he's probably only put on a little bit of weight because he's upset because he broke up and im sure when any one breaks up from a relationship they are torn up
I wouldn't be worrying about his weight...
Amy Lee is the heavy one. she's beautiful and everything, but quite chubby.
don't you agree?
Amy is quite chubby lol, pretty and talented though.
As for Shaun, he's hot whatever size he is, and extreamly telented. I think the break ups good, they weren't happy together and now Shaun can marry me. Everybody wins.
you guys who are dissing amy lee and evanescence, you think first, because evanescence has been through more than you would know, and its not too uplifting to be calling her fat. she isnt fat, at all. You are supposed to be fans?
Stop teaming up on amy and or evanescence, they are an awsome band and it only took them that lond to put out a new album because they were working so long on the open door. Bands that produce an album in half a year or a year if you had ears you could tell that it sounds like shit.
And whoever the dumbass writer of this page is i have something for you too, Evanescence made new music, they are not sticking to rock like the fallen CD they are making new rock, and if you can find a band that can do that good (like Evanescence)they are a damn good band. Shaun morgan is retarted, go watch the anywhere but home dvd you will see he seems like a loser anyway. And he sounds so cocky its annoying. And broken was a fricken good song. anyway that is her private life you shouldnt be reading about what happens in her life, its none of your buisness. Obviously she doesnt want people to post this all over the internet for anyone to read.
Amy? Chubby?
Sorry that she's not into anorexia, but she's not chubby. She's actually perfectly fine according to her height and weight. I'd hate to see the women you think AREN'T chubby.
It's people like you that make girls bulimic.
Wat the fuck shes just got married wat shes sposed 2 get married and then do a concert straight after and by the way how the FUCK did she destroy Evanescence that band is shit without her when shes off stage they just sit there and wait 4 her 2 cum back on
you guys who are dissing amy lee and evanescence, you think first, because evanescence has been through more than you would know, and its not too uplifting to be calling her fat. she isnt fat, at all. You are supposed to be fans?
Stop teaming up on amy and or evanescence, they are an awsome band and it only took them that lond to put out a new album because they were working so long on the open door. Bands that produce an album in half a year or a year if you had ears you could tell that it sounds like shit.
And whoever the dumbass writer of this page is i have something for you too, Evanescence made new music, they are not sticking to rock like the fallen CD they are making new rock, and if you can find a band that can do that good (like Evanescence)they are a damn good band. Shaun morgan is retarted, go watch the anywhere but home dvd you will see he seems like a loser anyway. And he sounds so cocky its annoying. And broken was a fricken good song. anyway that is her private life you shouldnt be reading about what happens in her life, its none of your buisness. Obviously she doesnt want people to post this all over the internet for anyone to read.
I actually happen to like Shaun Morgan. Evanescence is an awesome and I love Amy Lee. But you...you're an idiot. Thanks for stating idiotic things on here with no apparent reason though.
Umm excuse me!
You guys are insane
Shaun Morgan is hott
And if you really understood and listened to the lyrics to the music he writes.. You would understand that he has been through a lot. So why don't you actually listen to the words to the music.
ok so, i think the reson y they broke up is cause the song call me when your sober is about shaun morgan, and he was p@#%ed that she made his addiction so public, i mean i cant say that blame him either that would p^$# me off too. but i do love both bands and i have a great amount of respect for both of these people...
This might seem like the weirdest comment of 'em all, I actually love the two of 'em I truly like Amy Lee & her music, she's my fave. female vocalist, but I also love Shaun Morgen just as much, I think they would have been the cutetest couple in the Goth Metal business! bummer they had to beak up!
Some people need to learn how to type............................
I love Amy Lee and Shaun Morgan. You two have open emotion no one will ever know but those who love the person next to them....
It is probably my bed time.
Fuck, take some time to unwind.
Life is short and so are so few I know.
Time is on our fence, i love our so called defense.............
I am out. Ya'll have a good morning.
Ok I love both bands but... im on neither side of this crap... Ok Shaun went a bit mad with drugs and stuff... but Amy didn't have to write a song about it either. Shaun is my cousin and i dont care if he kinda gained some weight... his songs are emotions and what i've learned is that every Seether song goes up one step... ok "Broken" is about his daughter and he wrote that in 2002 when he left her back in South Africa. That song was supposed to be a duet with Shaun's ex, Sharoun fourie... But there is a reason why he chose amy... He actually loved her... isn't what matters?
I cant believe that Im the first one to say this, but their music and bands have nothing to do with their relationship.
Both of their bands are amazing! Seether's music is deep and inspiring. And Evanescence's music rocks. Amy Lee has such a unique voice.
That said the world's did clash when she wrote, "Call Me When Your Sober".
Its a good song, with a great music video. But I wouldnt want someone airing my dirty laundry.
Which by the way is only one side of the story. I'm sure Amy (as a person, not as a vocalist) had her share of dirty secrets too. It takes to to make and two to break.
She's got a great husband now, Josh, and Evanescence's music is better than ever.
That's just my opinion.
you write BLOGS about Amy Lee "messing up" bands? geez you must have a sad, sad life
Shaun is HOT no matter what and one hell of a frontman ♡♡♡♡ very talented!
Shaun is a b@st@rd! noone knows what he did to Amy Lee and how much she standed from him so stop judge Amy because he destroyed her life and still destroy it
The only loser here is you.
No shes not chubby
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