That was the line used by the Michael McDonald character in soft rock parody Yacht Rock (watch the episode here) upon first encountering the soothing sounds of Toto's 'Rosanna', but it could just as easily sum up the stylish sounds of Boz Scaggs in the late seventies.
Scaggs first cut his teeth as a member of the Steve Miller Band in the sixties, but then spent the next decade achieving considerable success as a solo artist. Perhaps best known for hit single 'Lido Shuffle,' Scaggs was also responsible for the release of 'Breakdown Ahead' and 'Jojo.' Early in his solo endeavour he also recorded 'Lowdown,' an oldies radio station staple.
'Lido Shuffle' contained all the ingredients of a hit pop song: a guttural vocal, a boogy beat, blues-inspired lyrical content, and an irresistible choral hook manifested as an anthemic "whoooooaaahhhh." But most importantly, it appropriately implemented the synth sounds all too prevalent of the day.
You can stream 'Lido Shuffle' below:
Boz Scaggs - 'Lido Shuffle'
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