Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Waterboys - 'The Pan Within'

The Waterboys are a long-standing British band that gained a foothold in the early '80s with their melodic rock and philosophical, literary knowledge.

Released on the band's 1985 album, This is the Sea, "The Pan Within" is an alternative rock epic full of piano, violin and (what I assume to be) a pan flute.

A couple listens to this song may find you wanting to run dramatically through the fields and become one with nature.

This is fitting, because Pan was known in Greek mythology as the goat-legged god of the pasture - shepherds, flocks, wild nature, rustic music, sexual prowess - you name it.

Sound appealing? Listen below to release your inner Pan.

Waterboys - The Pan Within .mp3

Found at bee mp3 search engine

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